Tourisme In Italy
State of the Republic of Italy
Population density of 57.867 million million - Statistics 2002 Area 301 270 thousand square kilometers euro currency open line
International +39 time difference from GMT +1 / h compared to the size of the state of the world 0.2338% percent of the size of the size of the state of the world
The continent of Europe compared to 5.1095% percent of the size of the continent's population density in the world compared to 0.9993% percent of the world's population density
Population compared to the continent of Europe 10.0312% percent of the continent's population
Weather in Italy
Temperatures in the major cities in Italy:
Like all of Europe .. considered the end of the month of January and February and early March are the coldest month in return is the month of July and August
Is the hottest .....
But in most cases does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius heat and Rome are considered among the hottest cities ....
But though the city is considered very suitable to spend the summer and winter also ......
Sunrise and sunset moderate temperature: 12 ° C Humidity: 87% wind speed: VRB2 MPH Barometer: 1015 mb condensation point: 10 ° C Heat Index: 12 ° C cooler wind: 12 ° C twilight sunrise convex face of the moon Aalghemrchmaa
Sunrise sunset twilight
The most important capitals and cities in Italy
Rome Milan Bologna Cagliari Genova Nablus Palermo Turin Venice
The most important international airports in Italy
Rome and Milan are considered the main entrance of the State of Italy and there in every city, including airports and there are some flights, but very few go
To regional airports such as Naples and Venice and Pisa and Turin
First :: Leonardo da Vinci and called Fiumicino (FIUMICINO) which is the largest and most trips go to him and away from the center of Rome
Between 20-30 minutes depending on the traffic density within the city which is in the south-west.
Second airport: Ciampino (CIAMPINO) and is smaller and less Adeddarahlat its predecessor and away from the center of the city between 10-15
It is unreal in the south-east of Rome and Milan airports, and there are two (MALPENSA) and LINATE
And you should make sure the airline traveler through where you should go? Any airport from Monday?
Emergency numbers in Italy
You can request from any mobile phone or a regular phone or even a public phone in the streets ....
Police 112 \ 118 ambulance \ firefighters 115 \ 113 emergency
And if you do not speak the Italian language, you can dial from the hotel where you live or one of the Italians who welcomes help you
The official currency
The euro is the official currency in Italy (and in European Union countries as well) and all transactions are through and can not pay any
Others work in the shops, but in rare cases very very very ....
How can convert the currency of your country there easily (but this procedure are advised to work in your country.
220 volts AC is used in all regions of Italy and if you have devices without the use of this power must use the converter
And the official language used is Italian and is one of the Latin languages ....
But even if you do not understand one word, where you can manage all your business and your business there smoothly and easily because of the presence of English-speaking
Time in Italy
Italy used Daylight Saving Time and Winter
In winter, be separated from the Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean) +1 +2 in the summer will be
Daylight saving time begins and the last day of a day in March to the last Sunday of October
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